Monday, September 27, 2010

Faith Without Seeing

CR Dancer Slew, is one amazing horse. He is the great grandson of world famous champion race horse, Seattle Slew, a beautiful bay quarter horse; he is a strong athlete with a wonderful disposition, a best friend, all together, every little girl's dream horse. This amazing animal also happens to live in my barn and goes by the pet name, Brown.

Big Brown and I have been a team for almost a year now, earning a district championship, a state qualification, and two world championship qualifications. He easily became my favorite barrel horse I have ever had, the minute I bought him. As perfect as he seemed to me, he acted very strange sometimes, earning himself the titles of ADHD and Special Ed, but turns out there was a reason. Recently, we found out that Big Brown is blind in his right eye. Despite the specialist's assurance, we wondered if it was something we had to keep hidden from people, so no one would know this amazing horse had a major flaw.

The biggest mystery to me is how Brown found the courage to trust me to guide him, even though we hadn't been a team for long at all. He knows he has a disability, and horses are known not to give away trust easily. He decided to make a bond with me, despite not knowing everything about me.

It amazes me that I found inspiration through a horse, but he made me realize that faith and hope are imperative in success. You have to have trust in something, someone other than yourself. You have to have passion and drive, and a will that defies odds. You have to have faith that someday, what hasn't been seen will happen. You have to believe in yourself, despite your flaws. Big Brown is half blind. How many blind barrel horses have you ever seen succeed? I know that I have seen at least one.

Never be afraid to show your imperfections, and be bold enough to trust in yourself, other people, and your dreams, despite the things that are supposed to hold you back. Never let ANYTHING hold you back.

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