It can be so easy to get caught up in life, especially in high school. There is such a stereotypical view that we adopt befoe we even grace the halls. We see the cliques, the rumors, the separation that forces us to join a group, or be left to fend for ourselves. What happens when you get caught in the middle? Where do you go when you don't have anywhere left? The only place to go is up.
Coming from a small Christian school, I had a completely different view of my high school career to come. I believed that it would be easy to make friends, and they would understand me, and I would do all the things that every teenager does when they're in high school. Turns out, my plans didn't meet theirs peacefully, as I slowly slid into a place where I was alone. I couldn't see a problem with me, I didn't know what it was, what they saw, that turned them away, but for some reason, I was becoming the loner. What happened to having my friends who loved me and were there no matter what? What would I do without their support as I had to face this place by myself? I was terrified for the future, and quite broken over the idea of being an outcast. All I wanted was to fit in somewhere...anywhere.
But after a rocky freshman year, I came to the realization that this place is only a stop on my journey to where I DO belong. Sure, right now, I feel alone in what I believe, but someday, I can find a place where who I am is exactly what somebody needs. Somewhere where I can be appreciated. This place became my escape...away from the critism of certain classmates. I made a decision that changed my life. I turned everything around in an instant with a decision to let the adversity I face strengthen, instead of break me. I decided that this dream would be my reality someday, and I would work until I couldn't work anymore to get to this place I dreamed of. This place is beautiful, where I see myself using these struggles to further myself in my journey of life, where I can be a role model, and give encouragement to those kids are just like who I was when I got into high school. I decided on strength instead of weakness, and love instead of hate. This decision changed my life.
So I challenge you to look at your problems and hardships, and see them not as road blocks, but as road SIGNS, to point you to where you are to go next. I challenge you to take the pain and hate and turn it into a character building tool to make you the person you want to be, and set you on your road to who you are meant to be.
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