Sunday, October 17, 2010

From a Dreamer's Perspective

I've always dreamed of who I would be. Ever since I was little, I was a person of imagination. I dreamed of being great, being strong, and going somewhere that was outside of where I could go. I remember running through my neighborhood during sunset, pretending that my future was at the end of the road, where the last bit of light was hitting. I remember running free, eyes closed, mind open, to where I wanted to be. Now a decade later, not much has changed. I realized that those dreams that I always wanted ARE possible. ANYTHING is possible with dedication, hard work, and passion. I remember sitting in the woods behind my house, all by myself, pretending I lived in a beautiful city, with bright lights, where everyone would notice me. Even then, I dreamed of setting myself apart to do something big, and I still do. After years of struggle, trials, highs and lows, I have realized my dream of becoming a professional musician. I can't imagine being anything else, and I know why that is. I believe that God has given me a gift for music for His purpose. I have a burning desire to stand up and set myself apart from the crowd. I've never wanted to be just a face in the crowd, but instead the person who leads the crowd. God showed me that with His help, I can go amazing places with my talent, for His purpose, to point His children back to the path of holiness. I've begun persuing what I know is my purpose by writing songs for a demo to be sent out to major record companies. It seems like an impossible dream from far away, but like I said, anything is possible. I have a light to shine in the dark world of the music industry. I see no motivation towards this dream in the need for money, or fame, because I know behind the lights, the glitz and glamour, and the publicity, will be me, the girl who has a talent, and a mission, and a passion to spread both of them world wide. If I could give any advice to those wanting to pursue their dreams as I have begun the pursuit of mine, it is this.

Don't fear anyone, or anything. No trial is big enough to take you down with the help of God. Go for everything you desire with all of your heart, in the name of your dreams, for the purpose of your life. Take the hard times and let them make you strong, and NEVER GIVE UP.

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